Cohiba Panetelas
Cohiba Panetelas
Cohiba Panetelas
Ring Gauge | 26 |
Length | 115 mm / 4.5 inches |
Strength | Medium to Full |
Size | Small Panetela |
From its beginnings as Fidel Castro's official cigar of choice to unrivaled fame worldwide, Cohiba has captivated cigar lovers with luxuriously complex and flavorful creations. The small format 4.5" x 26 Cohiba Panetelas cigars carry on the tradition with savory top-shelf tobaccos from Cuba's famed Pinar del Rio province, offering up a classic Cohiba character.
Cohiba Panetelas cigars provide a velvety medium-to-full-bodied experience ideal for any time. Each cigar's beautifully formed draw brings a classic Cohiba flavor profile, including hints of wood, pepper, earth, and spice flavors. Coffee bean notes complement a subtle sweetness throughout most of the smoke. Creamy undercurrents balance a bold and savory finish.
Suppose you desire a smaller version of traditional Cohiba cigars to enjoy while you are on the go. In that case, the versatile size and portability make the Cohiba Panetelas cigar a great choice. Enjoy these small-format delights with coffee, rum, or whiskey, remembering to smoke more slowly to ensure a cool and smooth smoke.